I had so much fun chatting with one of my favourite mentors and amazing teacher, Barrie Risman, last week. The purpose for our discussion was for her upcoming course, The Triumphant Heart – Lessons from the Bhagavad Gita on Yogic Living in Challenging Times, that she is co-teaching with her friend and scholar Prof. Bill Mahony. 

I love talking about anything to do with yoga in general but I’m super passionate about how we can take yoga off the mat and into our lives. Our conversation left me feeling inspired, comforted, and connected – qualities that are harder to muster up these days. 

The three-week course starts February 1st and explores some of the most timely and potent teachings to support us as we continue to navigate these unprecedented times. Your commitment will be no more than 15-minutes per day and you have access to all materials for a full year.

I believe it is part of my purpose and mission as a yoga teacher and studio owner to guide others into taking what they cultivate on their yoga mat into their lives. And the yogic teachings are a bridge to do just that.

I invite you to listen to our chat where we chat about how the teachings of yoga have impacted our own lives. I have also included timestamps below the video for you to jump to a particular place of interest.

While many of us are yearning for a time where we can gather safely in person with a larger group of like-minded people, I’m so grateful to share opportunities for the next best thing. 

You do not need to have any knowledge of yoga philosophy or the Bhagavad Gita to participate. The course applies the ancient teachings to our current situation and is designed to support you in gaining perspective and insight through the expansive vision of yoga. Everyone, no matter their level of practice or study, is warmly welcome to join!

We’re an affiliate for this course meaning that we receive a portion of the income if you register through us, thus supporting the Embody community.

Registration is open now, find out all the details and reserve your virtual seat right here.

0:00 – Why the teachings of yoga are there for us now more than ever and Barrie’s inspiration for the course.

3:07 – Out of all of the yogic teachings, Barrie explains why Bhagavad Gita is supportive during times of crisis.

4:42 – Barrie talks about the format and Prof. Bill Mahony decades of personal experience and warmth in delivering the teachings.

6:00 – Nicole talks about how the Bhagavad Gita has supported her. Barrie shares how the yoga philosophy bridges what we gain in our physical practice into our lives.

8:30 – Nicole and Barrie talk about cultivating yogic virtues as householders and how the Bhagavad Gita helps us on the emotional level.

11:43 – Barrie provides a brief overview of the course.

14:00 – The importance of also including a physical practice to have an embodied experience of the teaching.

17:00 – Why reading, studying, and reflecting on yoga teachings is just as much a yoga practice as the physical postures.

19:33 – The importance of learning about these teachings guided by a teacher through the spoken word.

20:50 – Accessibility of the course for those who have no experience with yogic teachings.

22:45 – Why now more than ever we need to fortify our inner reserves and connect with others in this way.

26:05 – Nicole shares why it is so important for her to keep showing up for the Embody community.

27:33 – The course is a way for teachers to nourish themselves and bolster their teaching.

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