Teaching Yoga to an Aging Population

20-hour Training with Andrea Peloso


In-Person at Embody Studio

April 4 – 6, 2025

The number of Canadians aged 65 an older is rising and is the fastest growing age group in the country. Newfoundlanders are the leading way with the highest percentage in this age group making up nearly 25% of the population.

With aging comes the ever-increasing need to care for ourselves. It is also a time for many where there are fewer life responsibilities and we can carve out more time to devote to our well being.

The beauty of yoga is that it is ageless. It can be practiced in one way or another throughout our more mature years. But teaching yoga to an aging population can be much different than what is popularly portrayed as yoga asana.

Offering inclusive yoga classes to older adults and seniors requires that you develop an understanding of common challenges they face. Beyond making yoga postures more accessible, it is important to foster an environment that empowers them to honour themselves as they are in this season of their life.



Suitable for:

  • Yoga teachers

  • Teachers in training

  • Professionals working with an aging population

  • Individuals committed to enhancing the well being of older adults and seniors

  • Individuals committed to better supporting their own personal health and understanding

20-hrs of In-Person Instruction

April 4 – 6, 2025

Friday, 5:00pm – 9:00pm

Saturday, 1:00pm – 8:30pm

Sunday, 9:00am – 5:30pm

About the Instructor

A passionate yoga student since the age of fifteen, Andrea is a featured teacher with Yoga International and a trainer in Restorative Yoga, and Yoga. Her digital and live trainings are known across the world. Andrea creates a safe, fun, educational, and healing environment in which to learn and grow as people and as teachers.  See Andrea’s full bio.


In-Person at Embody Yoga & Wellness, 10 Forbes Street – Suite #103, St. John’s, NL.

This Training Will Cover:

PREVENTATIVE YOGA: Constructing empowering, effective and compassionate classes for older adults and seniors with options for various stages of aging or condition. Chair Yoga, as well as other therapeutic practices will be covered.

MIND, HEART AND SPIRIT: Learn to construct classes for older adults and seniors that support them from the inside out. We will review emotional and spiritual challenges unique to this population.

BALANCE IS LIFE: A special focus on the importance of balance for older adults and seniors, including overall foot health, a look at walking, tips for maintaining or improving balance on and off of the mat.

YOGA FOR OSTEOPOROSIS: Proper care and safety measures for students with Osteoporosis.

YOGA FOR THE JOINTS: Learn to foster strength, safety and mobility for joints and replacements joints (eg replacement hip joints).

DAILY HABITS: Participants will learn 15+ simple movements for students to do at home to keep them moving and healthy.

BENEFITS OF YOGA FOR OLDER ADULTS & SENIORS: Understanding yoga’s benefits for optimizing health challenges impacting our older population ranging from: blood sugar level balance, cardiovascular disease, anxiety and depression, lung disease, dementia/Alzheimers, and beyond. This will include a look at research and data where available.

YOGA FOR THE EYES: A look at some basic practices to empower eye care for older adults and seniors.

TRADITIONAL WISDOM ON AGEING AND YOGA: Exploration of themes and best  practices.

RESTORATIVE YOGA: Benefits and accessible practices for older adults and seniors.

YOGA FOR THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND POSTURE: An understanding of basic practices to help with posture, balance, pain management and lung capacity.

CREATING COMMUNITY: How to best create an welcoming and inclusive environment including ageism awareness.

Learning Environment

This environment will be an interactive, experiential  and caring space designed to give students the most options possible for  working with seniors. We will also learn from our own practice, have a guest  lecture, and the chance to look at specific case studies. Come prepared to  learn, have fun and relax!

I attended Andrea Peloso’s training, and I absolutely loved it. Andrea has a very easy-flowing and nurturing teaching style that makes you feel immediately comfortable and at ease. She is incredibly knowledgeable and up to date with current affairs in the yoga world.”  ~ Nicole

Yoga Alliance

This training course is eligible for for Yoga Alliance CYE credits and Certificate.  Additional home work submission and $75 fee applies.


SOLD OUT! Please contact us at hello@nicoleblackwood.com to be notified of future trainings.

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