
Yoga with Cheryl

Restorative Yoga Sanctuary

Pop-Up Classes with Cheryl Fenk

Friday May 31

7:30pm (90 mins)

Let’s weave our way into the quiet sanctuary of our heart with a nurturing restorative yoga practice.
Longer held poses using the support of bolsters, blankets and blocks will ease us into an experience of deep rest.
Our time together will include essential oils and poetry to nourish the body, mind and heart.

Open to all levels of practice. Offered in-studio at Embody.

Payment is non-refundable. 

Investment: $30/class (HST included)

If you are a studio member please use your workshop discount code.

Payment Options: Online with credit card or email transfer to hello@nicoleblackwood.com

Please click ‘Sign-up’ next to the Pop-up Class you are interested in:

Summer Solstice Restorative Yoga with Cheryl Fenk

Friday, June 21

7:00pm (2 hours)


“Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.” ~John Lubbock
Let’s honour the Summer Solstice with a nourishing and relaxing restorative yoga practice.  Bolsters, blankets and blocks will help us create a cozy nest of support and be free of effort in longer held poses. Our time together will include essential oils to help us settle into deep rest.


Open to all levels of practice. Offered in-person only at Embody.

Investment: $45 (HST included)

If you are a studio member please use your workshop discount code.

Payment Options: Online with credit card or email transfer to hello@nicoleblackwood.com

Payments are non-refundable

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