Iyengar Yoga for Feet & Ankles with Darla O'Reilly
Saturday, January 18
1:30 pm (2.5 hours)
The Power of the Feet: Iyengar Yoga for Feet and Ankles workshop – Feeling the ground beneath your feet!
How important is the foundation of a building? It is just as important as the foundation of the body – our feet!
A building must be level to support all the structures above, so the feet must be balanced and sturdy to support the legs, spine, arms, and head. If the base is tilted or collapsed, it is reflected up through the structure of the building. Same for humans, if our base is tilted or collapsed, it will be reflected up through the body as distortion or misalignment.
In Iyengar Yoga, we work with the feet and we explore how asanas and actions can promote better alignment not only in the feet themselves but also in the whole body.
In this workshop we will start from the ground up, you will learn that the feet are a power source at our base. We will work with props to bring awareness to our feet, address areas of tightness, weakness and soreness.
We will practice a range of asanas including standing, sitting, twisting, and study the basic anatomy of the feet and how it applies to not just a yoga practice but also in daily life. Enhanced strength, flexibility, and mobility through the feet leads to a sense of balance, stability, rootedness and strength.
No previous yoga experience is necessary.
Note: For those with Plantar fasciitis – it is associated with tissue at the sole of the foot and tightness in the calves and hamstrings, all of these areas will be addressed during this workshop and because we work with alignment in Iyengar yoga we will address alignment of feet, knees and hips—all of which could help relieve pain associated with this condition.
Disclaimer—this is not a replacement for the personal advice of a health professional.
“A yogi’s brain extends from the bottom of the foot to the top of the head.” B.K.S. Iyengar
Payment is Non-Refundable
Investment: $50 (HST included)
If you are a studio member please use your workshop discount code
Payment Options: Online with credit card or email transfer to hello@nicoleblackwood.com