The energy this time of year is exciting and joyous, but can also be draining and heavy. Between wrapping gifts, baking cookies, and visiting loved ones it is easy to let your yoga practice slide. My plan is to  keep things simple through doing no-fuss restorative yoga poses. Legs-Over-a-Chair does not require any fancy props; just somewhere to elevate your legs. It soothes the lower back and hips, refreshes the legs, and provides a gentle boost of circulation to the upper body. It is especially delicious after a long day on your feet, after a flight, or if you are generally fatigued.

Set-up: Find a chair or a couch and lay your legs over it, allowing some space between the back of the knees and the chair. Depending on the length of your legs and the size of the chair you may want to add extra blankets for comfort. If the chair is too high, build up the floor with blankets. If it is too low, add height to the seat of the chair. Add an eye pillow and or dark face cloth over the eyes for extra comfort. Set a timer for 5, 10, or 20-minutes or more to give yourself ample time to relax, renew, and rejuvenate.

Breathe and restore: In this pose, pay special attention to the abdomen. Be aware of the spaciousness on the inhale and the softness on the exhale. Also, feel the low back sink down towards the floor to allow tension in the muscles release any amount. Inhale, awareness. Exhale, release.

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