Cathy Duff
Cathy is a former educator and a certified yoga teacher in Hatha and Restorative yoga. She has received Yoga in Schools training in Halifax as well as Children’s yoga teacher training.
Since 2018, Cathy has helped facilitate a program, Coping Skills for Kids. The camp was designed for children who struggle with emotional regulation skills, such as anxiety, anger management or any big emotions.
Cathy also developed a curriculum called Young Yoga and Wellness, aimed at improving a child’s self esteem, confidence, and emotional regulation. It’s a program of yoga, mindfulness, bibliotherapy, yoga games and other interactive and fun activities. The program is designed to calm kids’ bodies and minds, reduce anxiety and improve their overall sense of well- being. Cathy facilitated this program as an 8 week program for 8-12 year olds. She has also delivered week-long programs for young yogis.
While actively involved in the yoga community, Cathy also has given presentations to various schools in the city, and community groups such as The Girl Guides of Canada. She also volunteers and teaches yoga at The Gathering Place. When not teaching or practicing herself, you’ll find Cathy chasing a sunrise or exploring an East Coast trail with friends and family.