Sun Breaths with Nicole

Sun Breaths with Nicole

Sun Breaths are a great way to warm up the body in the morning or after prolonged sitting. This gentle flow connects movement with breath and can help you recenter and steady your mind in preparation for a longer practice. It’s also easy to squeeze into your day...
Hand & Wrist Stretches with Megan

Hand & Wrist Stretches with Megan

Show your hands and wrists some love in this 4.5-minute video with Megan. It’s great to do stretches such as these while working at a desk every half hour or so. If you are a knitter like Megan you’ll appreciate these stretches after a session of working...
Chair Yoga Video

Chair Yoga Video

This Chair Yoga practice brings yoga to those who have difficulty standing for a prolonged period or getting down to the floor and back up to standing. But it can be enjoyed by ALL bodies even if you have a regular mat practice. There may be days when you need a...
4 Shoulder Opening Stretches

4 Shoulder Opening Stretches

Discomfort in the shoulders, back, and neck is prevalent in our culture of sitting. Whether it is working at a desk or driving in a car, our sedentary lifestyles wreak havoc on our bodies. The mental demand of ‘doing all the things’ can also contribute to...