Uganda Journey

Uganda Journey

As I sit and write this I am on day three of a pretty bad cold that has confined me to my house. Much of my time has been spent on the couch sleeping and binge-watching recorded shows of The Voice that I missed while I was in Uganda. I went through the typical guilt...

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Start from where you are — not where you wish you were

Start from where you are — not where you wish you were

“Start from where you are — not where you wish you were. The work you’re doing becomes your path” — Ram Dass. I came across this quote in a beautiful image on my Facebook Pages newsfeed, which I frequently scan through to see if there is something worthwhile to share on my page. Sometimes funny, educational, or inspirational, I only share things that resonate with me. The timing of this quote was quite remarkable given where I am and how I feel in this moment. After sharing, I kept reflecting on what this truly meant for me right now.

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Good-bye 2015. Hello 2016!

Good-bye 2015. Hello 2016!

Over the past few weeks, I have been reflecting on 2015. For me, it was a year of big change. I left a career of eight years that was leaving me exhausted and unfulfilled to focus on my self-care and to cultivate the things in my life that feed my soul. I knew at the...

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The energy this time of year is exciting and joyous, but can also be draining and heavy. Between wrapping gifts, baking cookies, and visiting loved ones it is easy to let your yoga practice slide. My plan is to keep things simple through doing no-fuss restorative yoga poses. Legs-Over-a-Chair does not require any fancy props; just somewhere to elevate your legs. It soothes the lower back and hips, refreshes the legs, and provides a gentle boost of circulation to the upper body. It is especially delicious after a long day on your feet, after a flight, or if you are generally fatigued.

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Lifestyle Loves – Stocking Stuffers!

Lifestyle Loves – Stocking Stuffers!

I am so excited to share some of my favorite things that are part of my self-care and pampering toolbox. I am always on the hunt for natural products that work just as well as conventional ones, which can be filled with chemicals that irritate the skin and harmful to...

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Be Confident. Let Your Colours Shine.

Be Confident. Let Your Colours Shine.

Google gives the following definition for self-confidence: “a feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgment.” I believe if you trust your abilities, you are more able to tap into your strengths and passions. You carry out the things in life that light...

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Blueberry Mango Green Smoothie

Blueberry Mango Green Smoothie

There is nothing like Newfoundland wild blueberries. I lived away for almost 7 years and it wasn’t until I returned home did I realize how perfectly sweet and flavourful they are. I can’t eat them without flashing back to being a little girl picking blueberries in the marshy areas practically in my backyard. I remember how peaceful it was being out there with my friends.

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Peaches ‘n’ Cream Green Smoothie

Peaches ‘n’ Cream Green Smoothie

I am totally in love with everything Kris Carr lately. One of her rituals is to start the day with a nutritious and delicious green smoothie or juice. Green AND delicious? can make some yummy concoctions out of all those hearty greens! So I am on a quest to...

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Be Gentle With Yourself

Be Gentle With Yourself

Our lives are filled with to-dos, often a result of so many people depending on us, whether it be our kids, pets, partner, parents, coworkers, or any other person whose needs seem to be more important than our own. In our state of giving to others, we put our own self-care on the back burner…

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What is Restorative Yoga?

What is Restorative Yoga?

I have practiced yoga for years and find deep peace in moving through the poses as it allows me to feel free and strong in my body and mind. Many yoga classes focus on active asana and end with a five to ten minute Savasana, a time for rest and integration. Most students (including myself) are just starting to let go…

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